Saturday, February 10, 2007

Circumstantial Boxes Part 1/?

I am so serious on trying to write a book about how judgmental the Christian church is and how many of its rules are circumstantial.

I know, lots of controversy, and people will threaten me if I were to actually get something like that published (albeit, unlikely).

Like "If a man lies with a another man..." Blah blah passage from Leviticus.

Many passages from Leviticus are circumstantial, like their insane amount of rules toward random things... such as shrimp or pork (kosher).

You didn't eat shrimp or pork back then because it was teeming with disease!

Much the same: Back then population was still sorta on the low side. If people started becoming gay, or released they were gay, population numbers would go down. It was much easier to increase population if people were closeted about their gayness... and just had children anyway... or became celibate priests... (Cough, sorry about that last bit catholics, low blow).

But seriously, if you plan on waving around one rule mentioned... oh.... 4 or 5 times in the whole book, why not follow the rest of them!? Why you say? Because they're ridiculous? (DUH)

Gayness is also not mentioned in the ten commandments. I do not see any "Thou shalt participate in activities of gayness" (like interior design) in the 10 commandments. DO you?

Also, did Jesus ever speak of gayness? NO!
Paul mentioned it once in a letter.
But there's no documented case of Jesus mentioning it. And for god's sake! He hung out with prostitutes.
Jesus was a pretty rad dude actually.

If I lived back then, I'd want to hang out with Jesus.
He may have been a pacifist but hell, did anyone see 'Jesus Christ Superstar'? He really did knock over all those tables.
And he was completely awesome about it.

TO sum things up and on a final note:
Gayness is a sin - Circumstantial
Jesus - Fucking Rocked.

I hope to do a more thorough post ont his later, but at the moment, I am so very tired and not up for research, I just wanted to get my point out there.

And this is more evidence on how sparatic my brain is. Oy.



Natalie said...

I haven't read much of the Bible. But I agree that the Bible wasn't intentioned for people to pick and choose what they want to believe from it; it is pinned as the word of God, and that's that. To me, if someone is a true Christian, they believe what the Bible says. The same should go for other religions too, I think.

But then you get stuff like Intelligent Design. This is a trick to get people to become Christians without the title of Christian on it. It's all a way to get more people to follow the Christian faith; that's largely what religion does. Recruit more believers, "save more sinners". Pretty much the main goal.

I was gonna say more about this, but my mind's a blank at the moment. I'll talk later.

Also, should we think about getting more people to join our little community?

217 said...

Indeed, although...

I'm not sure I entirely agree with you on your intelligent design comments. I believe in some form of intelligent design but I don't truly follow the christian faith, or what its been made into anyways. It started more to have people become more like Jesus. And Jesus was a very good person, who wouldn't want to be more like Jesus (except... Hindus... Shias... Suniis... Kurds... Satinists... ect.). It was a good starting premise thats been carried too far.

I believe in the intelligent design though, more so because it makes more sense to me to have a god than to not. I just don't believe God changes things for us like when we pray. God's set it up, God knows what's gunna happen, he'll/she'll just sit back and rest now. (The ever continuing 7th day)

it's not a trick to christianity as its not a trick to Judaeism or Islamic faith, we all have the same god anyways. We just call him/her by different names.

I'm trying on myspace to get more people, I'm not really sure what else to do though. I could broadcast it on DA as well I suppose.

Natalie said...

Well... I dunno. Our opinion differs here... I'm agnostic, and as such I'm open to a God, but as far as the implications that ID and Christianity have and all that... I don't know if I believe in that. ID seems just seems like a nice, semi-scientific name for a diluted sense of Christianity. Then again, I would need to study it more to really give a good opinion, but from what I understand of it at this point, that's what I believe.

I'm a pretty skeptical person when it come to religion though, even if I do call myself an agnostic. I just don't like taking anything at face value. What your religious beliefs are, to me, is a pretty important choice and helps define who you are and what choices you then make, so I don't take it lightly.

I dunno. I'm just a skeptic at heart. Blame my dad, he has influenced me to be one. >.< lol.

Natalie said...

Oh, and by the way....

Here is a very interesting article I found a couple years ago. It's a conversation with God. I love this website's title too... The Ragged Trousered Philosopher. :D

217 said...

Ah, well, in which lies the problem. Not everything revolves around Christianity, though it may think that well, so Intelligent Design doesn't automatically have to be linked with Christians. Christianity is the youngest child that always gets the most attention from its parents (Us, the people who created it) but that doesn't mean their aren't other children.

I don't see people going after Judaeism or Islam (Actually it's mostly Christians and themselves that do that). Of course, this impedes their purpose. In order to be humble we must direct attention away from them... Oy, I've trailed off once again.

I have only one problem with agnostics persons though. They waver. They're fence sitter, waiting for the winning side to come out before they pick a team. Its like waiting 'till the end of the superbowl and then picking the colts. (Deepak Chopra outlines this in his book 'Life After Death') It's one thing to be skeptical, its another to be indecisive.

I am, though, however, and in no way trying to press my religious beliefs upon you, nor am I trying to badmouth yours at all, and I apologize if it comes across in this fashion. Religion is a confusing and often damaging topic, though many propose peace (however, never to follow it) so it will undoubtably always be dificult to dicuss...

Oh yes, and I read the post on the site you recommended, and I will be adding it to our link list shortly. Incisive, indeed. :]

Natalie said...

Oh, don't worry about it, it's all good.... I understand you aren't trying to convert me or anything, and I'm not trying to either... Religion is a befuddling subject. I used to argue with this sort-of friend of mine about it because she kept trying to get me to join her youth group. I largely don't like organized religion, because when people get together in church and stuff it usually ends up being corrupt or whatever... all for money, you know?

lol, I hope I'm not a fence sitter. I don't try to be... I like looking at other religions and reading about them, as well as other philosophies and stuff. Like solipsism... the idea that our minds create our reality, kind of thing. Sort of Rene Descartes' thinking.

I dunno. To me, 16 is too young to figure everything out... not enough life experience. I like to keep my options open.

As far as ID goes, I think I disagree with you. Perhaps it was intentioned to be that way, I dunno, but I don't think it's like that right now. I remember going to the WA state fair in Puyallup because my sister, Adrianna, was showing her horse. We went out on the fair, and there was this booth for "Are You Going to Heaven?" We both thought it was gonna be something funny, so we went over. But it was a dude trying to get us to become Christians. It was kinda hilarious because the guy's voice was really like... I dunno, like soft and all gentle and pedophiley so Adrianna and I just laughed our asses off the whole time, made worse when he asked us why we were laughing. Neither of us really know why, I guess, but it was just funny at the time. Anyway, my point is, the guy was using ID to help back up his arguments.

Do Islamic people or Jews use ID to suppport the Torah or Koran? I dunno. Perhaps, but if they do, I don't know about it. Maybe some believe in ID as well as their religion, like a mix of stuff. It's perfectly possible.

Okay, I just did some digging. I went to Wikipedia and looked at a definitin, but there was a shitload of stuff I didn't need for my purposes, so here's a definition I got from another site.

"Intelligent design" consists of two hypothetical claims about the history of the universe and of life: first, that some structures or processes in nature are "irreducibly complex" and could not have originated through small changes over long periods of time; and second, that some structures or processes in nature are expressions of "complex specified information" that can only be the product of an intelligent agent.

No, the word Christian isn't in there. But I think that it's Christians, for the most part, who use it for their arguments.

The Discovery Institute, basically the mothership for ID, is in Seattle, you know. Interesting.

Anyway, we probably aren't going to come to an agreement about this, more than likely. Greater people than us haven't done that yet, so it's hard to expect us to. I'm not trying to win the argument or anything like that, I just like putting my two cents in. I'm kind of obnoxious that way.


217 said...

Oh I know, I enjoy the debate anyways. Debating about Religion and politics in always the most fun though.

As for ID: Its part of an underlying belief for all Jews, Muslims and Christians. We all have the same root belief because we all came from the same one man. Abraham. (Tribes of Abraham and what not blah blah blah).
And I'm not quite sure about this but I believe Islamic Religion came from Judaeism as well as the Christian Religion did.

So its not just something to peddle their purposes its also part of what they believe.

And I've been to one of those booths. They don't make much sense to me.


Natalie said...

Where has Jeff gone off to? He hasn't said much. :/

Icarus said...

I'm sorry, for I am now going to be an ASS.

I totally disagree with you. Religion has fucked up more shit in this world than any other thing. More people have been killed in the name of God than all the twisted serial killers combined. Entire CULTURES have been wiped out because of this plague.

Religion must die. We have to kill it before it kills us.

On the other hand, religion gives something people to hope for, and something to believe. Unfortunately, so many people take this too far. People shouldn't be too religious. What's that? you disagree? well, i'm sure a baseball bat to the kneecaps will change your mind pretty damn fast!

The best thing about religion though, is that it gives me something to bitch about.

Thats basically it.

Icarus said...

Oh, and intelligent design... he he he...

You've heard of the flying spaghetti monster? That's all I need to say about that.